August Is Immunization Awareness Month
Confused about all the rumors you’ve been hearing about the safety of immunizations? Get the facts.
What Do Your Symptoms Mean?
Use our online Health Decision Guides for a personalized, interactive way to get information on 100 medical issues that people face every day. Created by the faculty of the Harvard Medical School, the Guides cover the most common symptoms in adults and children. Try them now.
Use Yoga to Relieve Stress Meditation helps to relieve your mental stress, but to ease its effects on your body, turn to physical activity, such as yoga. Learn about yoga’s stress-busting abilities and how to get started.
How to Keep Bugs from Bugging You
If you’re spending time outdoors this summer, you will probably have to deal with insects, some of which could pose a health risk. Read this article to find out about the most effective ways to keep the bugs away.
Quiz: Foodborne Illness You’ve probably heard a lot about E. coli bacteria outbreaks in the news lately. E. coli can cause foodborne illness, which can be deadly. Do you know enough about it to protect yourself and your family? Find out by taking this quiz..
We encourage you to forward the articles in Health News to friends, family members and colleagues who could benefit from the information provided. Better yet, tell them to register to get their own copy each month by visiting Registration is free, and you do not have to be a member of CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield or CareFirst BlueChoice, Inc. All subscriber information is confidential, and we will not share it with other parties. |

Pan-Fried Shrimp
Grapeseed oil is a healthy alternative in this easy appetizer. You can also pair this high-protein dish with a salad for a healthy lunch. It’s heart-healthy, diabetes-friendly and suitable for a bariatric diet. Watch us make it.

The health information presented in this email newsletter is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for consultation with a medical professional. This information should not be used to treat or diagnose a health condition. Always seek advice from a trained health care provider.
Serving Maryland, the District of Columbia and portions of Virginia. CareFirst of Maryland, Inc., Group Hospitalization and Medical Services, Inc., and CareFirst BlueChoice, Inc. are independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ® Registered trademark of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ®' Registered trademark of CareFirst of Maryland, Inc.
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