Print Projects

View electronic samplesFeaturing plain and simple writing that is easy to read, regardless of education level. Click on a thumbnail to view a PDF of the full document.



photo of magazine cover

As the editor of CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield's member magazine, I was responsible for developing issue plans, writing and editing articles, maintaining the mailing list and developing and managing the reader survey.

Vitality won 31 awards throughout my tenure as editor, including an APEX Award of Excellence for Most Improved Newsletter, and the International Association of Business Communicators Silver Quill Award of Excellence. The reader satisfaction rate increased from 70 percent to 95 percent.




photo of magazine cover

Vitality's look and feel was updated to reflect current trends. It featured standard departments, more white space and more bytes of information to increase readability.






thumbnail of flier

This flier provides an easy-to-understand diagram of proper serving sizes of the food groups, with versions for adults and children. It is laminated for extra durability so that users can hang it in the kitchen for easy reference. I worked on the concept with a physician and on the execution with a designer and photographer. I also was responsible for the promotion and distribution.  

​The flier has been the most popular piece in CareFirst's health education library and has been requested by schools, churches, physicians and dietitians. The serving size flier has won several awards, and it was part of the kit that won the Institute for Healthcare Advancement's Health Literacy Award for innovative programs.




photo of calendar

I developed the concept for this calendar after traveling through the Mediterranean region and experiencing the lifestyle firsthand. I wrote the copy, provided the photos, directed the design and managed the distribution of this piece. 


The calendar won three national awards, including Healthcare Marketing Report's gold medal. It was well received by consumers and medical professionals alike. After the calendar appeared on the Internet, health publishing companies began changing their approach from photos of people engaging in healthful activities to scenic shots, which the average person is more likely to hang on the wall.



thumbnail of brochure

This brochure was one of several that I wrote for the health education library. I was responsible for overseeing design and printing and managing the inventory. Brochures were distributed at local health and wellness fairs and to community organizations and employer groups upon request. Recipients often commented that they provide relevant information that is easy to read and understand.




thumbnail of newsletter

Prior to CareFirst's hiring of a vendor to manage all aspects of its asthma and diabetes programs, I was responsible for communications for members with these conditions. I researched and wrote articles for the quarterly newsletters and worked with the medical director and a registered nurse to ensure medical accuracy.




flier thumbnail

As the vice president of communications and membership for my community association, it has been challenging to engage neighbors, most of whom are students at the University of Maryland's professional schools. I wrote and designed this flier to distribute at community events and to slip through the mail slots of homes when I notice that people are moving in. I have also distributed them to owners of rental units.





sowebo graphic

As a member of a local artists' group, I wrote and distributed this press release to promote the nonprofit's annual fundraiser.







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