Mick T. Pirate Fundraising

photo of Mick and Matoaka

Keep Mick's dream alive

Mick's dream was to provide a college education for his beloved daughter Matoaka, who just completed her freshman year. In honor of Mick, please make a donation to Matoaka's college fund.

Fundraiser Events

Thanks for Your Support

Thanks to the following organizations for your fundraising efforts:

  • The Elm in Hampden held a dinner in May.
  • The Youth Dreamers held a pot luck dinner in Baltimore in June.
  • Pickles Pub hosted the Mickapalooza Pirate Party on Aug. 10 with lots of great food and beverages, tattoos, a silent auction and a cornhole tournament.
  • Heavy Seas Brewery donated ten percent of its profits from the Bacon and Beer Festival on Sept. 14 to Matoaka's college fund.

Oogy Wawa!


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